by tproepper | Jan 31, 2022
FAST FIX™ Divot Mix Brochure Product Label MSDS 7 FAST FIX™ Divot Mix Don’t let golf clubs or cleats get the best of your turf. Use FAST FIX™ Divot Mix to treat divots and improve the survival of seed. The water holding capacity of FAST FIX™ keeps the new roots moist...
by tproepper | Jan 31, 2022
Terrasoft™ Soil Conditioner Brochure Product Label MSDS 7 Terrasoft™ Soil Conditioner This blend of micronutrients, wetting agents, penetrants and chelating agents has been designed to penetrate soil rapidly. While changing the surface tension of soil particles. This...
by tproepper | Jan 31, 2022
TAZO®-ST Dry Brochure Product Label MSDS 7 TAZO®-ST Dry Seed Treatment for Turf The active ingredient in TAZO®-ST dry and liquid turf feed is Azospirillum, a naturally-occurring bacteria found in most soils and proven effective in studies and tests for turf...
by tproepper | Jan 31, 2022
TAZO®-B Microbial Bio-Stimulant Brochure Product Label MSDS 7 TAZO®-B Microbial Bio-Stimulant Introduce TAZO®-B root growth stimulator to your turf maintenance operation. The active ingredient in TAZO®-B is Azospirillum, a naturally-occurring bacteria to increase root...
by tproepper | Jan 31, 2022
PSB-ST Brochure Product Label MSDS 7 PSB-ST PSB (Phosphorous Solubilizing Bacteria) is designed to provide a new form of biological kickstart to the availability and efficiency of phosphorus in soil, particularly where phosphorous is present, but unavailable. PSB’s...