Maximize Soybean Inoculant: A Stabilized Solution

May 2, 2019 | How it works

What Is Maximize Soybean Inoculant?

Maximize™ is a stabilized, low volume liquid Top Soybean Inoculant, designed to be used in conjunction with other seed treatments where a reduced volume of liquid would be beneficial.

Why Maximize?

Maximize Soybean Inoculant encourages increased nodulation along root systems while requiring less moisture when initially treating the seed. This product can also be used effectively with other seed treatments as well. This is because it has an enhanced stabilized formula to provide maximum growth potential in a lower volume application.

Benefits of Maximize

  1. Seed Survivability -Maximize provides 90-day on-seed survivability.
  2. Ease of Use -Maximize is very easy to use and can be worked in with other products.
  3. No Extenders – Maximize is potent and effective, and the extenders are built-in.
  4. Increases Yield- Maximize increases yields by up to 10 bushels per acre.
  5. Less Moisture- Maximize requires less moisture when treating the seed.
  6. Two Strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum– This long word means something because it helps to provide the maximum growth potential in a lower volume application.

This product, like many TerraMax products, helps to deliver powerful nitrogen to the crop to drive plant growth and yield. Replacing your typical nitrogen-based fertilizer with TerraMax products helps your crops and the planet.

TerraMax Approach

We conducted decades of research and used our experience to create our products. We used this process to perfect our products over the last 20 years. At TerraMax, we want to make sure we deliver a superior product while still focusing on using the tools nature has given us.

If you want to learn more about TerraMax’s Maximize™ Soybean Inoculant or any other products, visit: or call 952-657-5592.